Madam hooch is the quidditch coach and flying instructor at hogwarts . she referees the quidditch matches between the house teams 霍琦夫人是霍格沃茨的魁地奇教练和飞行课教员。她负责裁判学员队之间的魁地奇比赛。
It is not clear whether lidle or his flying instructor was at the controls when the light plane began flying erratically ( - - banking sharply from side to side - - ) then steered directly into a tall ( 40 - story ) apartment building 目前还不清楚,这架飞机突然左右摇摆,并直接撞上40层高的公寓大楼时,究竟是利德尔还是他的飞行指导员在驾驶飞机。